One of the most thrilling casino games is the
game of craps. At a craps table you can generally notice the noise and commotion.
Two dice are played with and the game is played on table specially built for
this purpose. Examined constantly for faults, the dice are produced according
to the strictest criteria. It is customary to change the dice for new ones when
they have been used during the course of some eight hours play, and the rules
for handling them are applied by the casinos.
Only one hand is permitted when holding and throwing the dice and it has to strike
the walls at the table’s opposite end. If it happens that one or both dice bounce
off the table, the stickman generally checks the dice for play prior to restoring
Up to some twenty players can be allowed around the craps table and who each
is permitted a round of shooting or throwing the dice. You are allowed
to place a bet on the shooter if you don’t wish to throw the dice. On the table’s
activities a number of different kinds of wagers can be placed. Two dealers,
a boxman and a stickman comprise the casino team.
The Come Out Roll is the first time the dice is rolled in a round of betting,
the come out roll initiates each new craps game. Only if the previous player
doesn’t make a win on his or her roll can a come out roll be made, meaning, seven
out or failing to make a point.
A new shooter therefore initiates a new game. Assuming the present shooter does
make his Point, then he gets the dice back and a new come out roll can begin
by him. Although strictly speaking a come out roll initiates a new game, in actual
fact this is really the same shooter continuing to roll.
If the Point has not been attained by the shooter, the next player in turn is
presented with the dice to make his or her come out roll and in this way the
game progresses. The person next in line to become the shooter is the one located
immediately to the previous shooter’s left, in this way the game progresses around
the craps table in a clockwise manner.
The dice are thrown over the layout of the craps table. Three areas demarcate
the layout of the table where central section separates two side sections.
The side sections are identical but opposite and the following features are included:
don’t pass and pass line bets, don’t come and come bets, odds bet, field bets
and place bets. The proposition bets are contained in the central area which
both side sections share.
If the come out roll is a seven or eleven then pass bets win, but if the come
out roll results in two, three or twelve pass bets lose. If the come out roll
is seven or eleven don’t bets lose, and if the come out roll results in a two
or three then don’t bets win. If the come out roll is a twelve then don’t bets
tie; identifying which roll is considered a tie is indicated by the Bar roll,
or two in various casinos.
A listing of the assorted wagers you can place at craps is listed below.
Playing the Pass Line Bet. If the first roll is a seven or an eleven it is called
a natural and you have won; and if it results in a two, three or twelve, you
have lost. Assuming that a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten, namely a point
is attained, then you have to repeat this prior to throwing a seven so that you
can win. You will lose if before the point a seven is rolled.
Playing the Odds on Pass Line bet. By taking odds you may place this additional
wager after having rolled a point. For individual points there are assorted payouts.
A four or ten point pays two to one; a five or nine rewards with three to two
and a six or eight pays out six to five. Only if the point is rolled before a
seven can you win.
Playing the Come bet. To play this move use the Pass Line betting rules. However,
this is differentiated by the fact that this bet can only be placed after it
has been decided what the point on the pass line is. The first dice throw determines
the come point after having placed your wager. A natural, seven or eleven results
in a win, and if its craps, two, three or twelve then you lose. You’ll also win
with other throws if the come point prior to a seven roll is repeated. You lose
though if a seven is thrown first.
Playing the Odds On Come bet. You play this wager in precisely the identical
method as the Odds On Pass Line bet, apart from the fact that you don’t take
odds on the Pass Line bet but only on the Odds On the Come bet.
Playing the Don’t Pass Line bet. This bet is the Pass Line bet in reverse. Assuming
a natural, seven or eleven, is your first rolling of the dice then you lose,
however you will win if it is a two or three. A tie or push with the casino is
the result of a dice roll of twelve. A seven must be produced before the point
roll, namely, a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten, is repeated to enable you
to win. You lose though if the point is thrown once more prior to the seven.
Playing the Don’t Come bet, the Come bet in reverse. You will win if the come
point is a two or three, but do not win if it is a seven or eleven – after the
come point has been determined. A tie is with twelve, and additional rolls of
the dice enable you to win solely if on the following rolls a seven comes up
Playing the Place bets. Solely following the establishment of the point can this
bet operate. On a dice roll of four, five, eight, nine and ten may you place
a bet. If you betted on a number which is rolled prior to a seven then you win,
if not a loss is your result. Contingent on the number being betted on, the place
bets payouts are different. A six or eight pays out seven to six, a nine pays
out a seven to five and a four or ten pays out nine to five. Any time you wish
you may cancel this wager.
Playing Field bets. Solely one roll of the dice is permitted for these bets.
You can win here if you roll a two, three, four, nine, ten or twelve. You’ll
end up losing on a five, six, seven and eight. The following payouts are made
with Field bets: twelve pays out three to one and two pays out two to one. An
even one to one is the payoff for other rolling dice wins.
Playing Big Six and Big Eight bets. If a six or eight results in any roll prior
to a rolled seven then these six and eight bets win. One to one, an even bet,
is the payout for the Bix Six and Big Eight wins.
Playing the Proposition bets. Apart from the hardways, all these bets are with
one roll and they can be placed at any time you wish:
- Play any craps: the payout is eight to one and you win on
a rolled two, three or twelve.
- Play any Seven: the payout is five to one and you win with
a rolled seven.
- Play any eleven: the payout is sixteen to one and you win
with a rolled eleven.
- Play any deuce: the payout is sixteen to one and you win
on a rolled three.
- Play Boxcars or Aces: the payout is thirty to one and you
win on a rolled two or twelve.
- Play Horn bet: it works on the simultaneous wagers on twelve,
eleven, three and two. You win if any one of these numbers results. The payout
is decided by the rolled number. You lose the remaining three wagers.
- Play Hardways: if the total of pairs one one, three three,
four four are rolled – throwing hard, prior to an easy rolled seven. Payouts
are ten to one for a hard six and eight, eight to one for a hard four and ten.
The house edge runs from two to seventeen percent.
Learning How to Play the Game of Craps
You’ll find that craps is the game creating the loudest din in the casino, and
that it’s the only observing game in the casino deserving such a title. After
blackjack, craps maintains a number or highest odds for players in casinos while
roulette still retains a player’s maximum options for betting. Therefore craps
is quite a magnificent game.
If you imagine the general picture of a poker game, you’ll envisage the icy-looking
faces, aggressive playing, dubious players and a tense silent atmosphere. Thank
heavens for craps, it’s just the reverse. In the craps scene you have the players
screeching out their bets, spectators filled with adrenaline, co-bettors and
friends throwing chips and dice in the background. This surely goes beyond a
mere game – it is the mother of all dice games.
An astute player can indeed go home speedily and with a bit of luck with ten
thousand dollars in his pocket after placing bets for one hundred dollars; although
it’s also possible that there are the most stupid wagers being made that can
drive you crazy. There aren’t too many games around that distinguish for you
the difference between good and lousy bets and displayed clearly to all the players.
Craps contains everything you need: clever wagers, long odds, adversaries and
The novice, regrettably, may found craps rather daunting. At first the player
might sense he’ll never get on top of the amount of options for betting, unique
rules and exceptions to the rule. Sometimes the craps table can be too noisy
and bewildering and you might find yourself avoiding the table for some time.
Nevertheless you should persevere as gets much easier the more adept you become
at the game. The key is to cross one bridge at a time as you go along.
The Basics of Craps
You are termed the shooter the moment you begin rolling the dice. The
Come Out roll is the name of your first roll in a craps round. The round is quickly
over and you also win if you roll a seven or eleven. However, you’ll lose if
you roll a craps, namely, a two, three or twelve and almost before you
start you’ll find it’s over with. The Point is now any other number. Determining
the Point, which can be a four, five, six, eight, nine or ten is the aim of the
Come Out roll. Above the Point number registered on the table, the dealer sets
a puck marked On.
The Objective of Craps
The fundamental aim in craps is that the shooter wins by prior to throwing a
seven he rolls a Point again. In order to distinguish the seven from the Come
Out roll this seven is called an Out seven. The round is over the moment if the
Point is thrown and the shooter and his co-bettors win. The round closes and
they lose if the shooter throws Out seven. The dice continues to be tossed and
the round goes on all the time the roll in not the Point nor the Out seven.
Understanding the Bets and the Payoff
This is the stage where the goings on at the craps table becomes involved. Endeavoring
to fathom out the vast range of betting possibilities will end up in giving you
a headache. It’s not a problem to play astutely as already mentioned. Therefore
let’s first discuss these clever bets.
Understanding Pass bets
The Pass bet is the most typical and easiest bet to place. Prior to the Come
Out roll this bet is placed on the Pass Line. In this case you will be placing
a bet on the possibility that prior to a roll on an Out seven you’ll roll the
Point again – this is all based on the assumption that the round continues beyond
the Come Out roll. Even odds of one to one win with Pass bets. Players betting
pass bets are called betting right, as they are aiding the shooter in his effort
to win, as any Pass bets are typical of betting with the shooter.
Winning: Assuming the dice displays a seven or eleven you can win on the Come
Out roll. If you roll the Point then you win on any following roll.
Losing: Assuming you’ve got a craps from rolling the dice, two, three or twelve,
you lose on the Come Out roll. If on any following roll it’s an Out seven then
you lose.
Understanding Don’t Pass bets
Essentially a wager put on the Don’t Pass line is a Pass bet’s reverse. You are
placing a wager on the shooter in the hope that an Out seven rolls prior to making
a Point, on the assumption that the round progresses beyond the Come Out roll.
In short, the bet is against the player rolling the dice and that’s the reason
it has the wrong bet title. However, there is nothing wrong with the
Don’t Pass wager’s odds – you can be certain of that.
Winning: If the dice displays craps, namely, two, three or twelve, you win on
the Come Out roll. If it’s and Out seven you can win on any coming roll.
Losing: On the Come Out roll of seven or eleven you lose. If it is the Point
you lose on any coming roll.
Understanding Come/Don’t Come bets.
Don’t Come and Come wagers are virtually identical to Don’t Pass and Pass bets
apart from the fact that only during the playing is operating are they placed.
These bets are offered to players who enter the game at a late stage.
Identical rules are applied: you lose if craps result and you win if the following
roll is an eleven or seven. If not the a Come Point arises from the roll.
Playing Odds bets
A backup bet already on the table of a Don’t Come, Come, Don’t Pass and Pass
bet is an Odds bet. They generally are restricted to 2 time or 3 times the first
wager and real odds are paid out; the payout really indicates the dice roll’s
probability and there’s no involvement of a further house edge. Unresolved Odds
bets can be taken off the table in the course of play in contrast to original
Pass, Don’t Pass, Come and Don’t Come bets.
Come Odds and Pass Odds pay six to five payouts on sixes and eights, three to
two odds on fives and nines, two to one odds on a roll of four or ten.
Don’t Come Odds and Don’t Pass Odds pay out five to six odds on sixes and eights,
two to three odds on fives and nines and one to two odds on a roll of four.
Playing other Bets
Looking at the remainder of the table we have left Proposition and Place Number
bets. The odds here are regrettably against the player and vary from average
to awful and that’s the reason why astute players avoid the majority of them.
These types of wagers are intended principally for players with more money than
they know what to do with or sense that every throw of the dice warrants a bet.
The result of such eagerness and taking of risks is that the house advantage
is dramatically high quite often.
Where you are placing a bet on a specific number rolling out prior to a seven
or the other way round is a Place Number wager. The Lay, Lose, Place and Buy
bets, the Big eight and the Big six, and lastly the Hard ten, Hard eight, Hard
six and the Hard four are all included in this series.
The bet aimed at the following roll which results in a particular number is known
as the Proposition bet. These bets comprise the two, three, seven, eleven and
twelve wagers as well as the Horn, Hop, Field bets and any craps wager.